LCDs of 750C and 755c are compatible...

I broke my 755C LCD and wanted to find a replacement. During the past month, I tried different 10' TFT but didn't even think that 750C LCD is actually compatible although it has two sliders.
So, this is how it looks like by putting 750c two slider TFT on a 755c

Basically the 750/755C LCD has 2 detachable inverter boards, one is for the backlight assembly (on the top of the picture), with the part number of INVC192, serving 2 CCFL. Another one is call "inverter board" by IBM also (bottom one), and the part number is PN53G9730, which has 2 sliders in 750C but 1 slider in 755C.

The backlight assembly has two CCFL. I didn't try replacing them with LED one, but apparently it's not easy to tear it down.

I believe the INVC192 is sold as a part of Hitachi LCD screen panel. And based on my experience, most of the black screen cases are because of a bad inverter board (but the CCFL bulbs always work)

Disassembly and reassembly of the LCD is pretty straight forward, and one thing you need to be careful about is that the connector connecting inverter board PN53G9730 and the screen panel (white one on the bottom of the picture). It's tight ,and you cannot see it while removing the inverter board.

Well, one last thing, if you want to replace the ccfl with some LED, I'm sure the black one is ADJ, and I believe starting from the orange one, the order is VOC (>10v?), ADJ, ENA(>3.5V?), and GND.